Find Board

Modified on Thu, 13 Jun, 2024 at 3:17 PM

Find a Board(s), based on the query string keyword match value passed.


The REST API account needs to have the correct viewer permission for the board to be included as part of the results returned




curl --user username:patToken --location '

with optional parameters




curl --user username:patToken --location '' 

URL Parameters

querypathtruestringThe keyword used to find a match against the Title, Description of a Board
fieldsqueryfalsestringComma-separated list of requested fields
expandqueryfalsestringExpand parameter for Board attributes. Possible options are{"none" "all" "method" "related" "chat" "state"}
versionqueryfalsestringVersion of the API to use. if not set, default latest version will be used.


200 OKActionsuccessful operation
400stringBad Request
404string"Board  Not Found for {query}"
429string"Too many Requests" see response headers RateLimit-Limit (current rate limit capacity), RateLimit-Remaining (remaining tokens), RateLimit-Reset (time till next refill)

Response Headers

RateLimit-Limit stringMax rate limit of requests allowed 
RateLimit-Remaining stringRemaining capacity of requests allowed 
RateLimit-Reset stringNext date time for refresh of capacity 

GET Sample Request


curl --user username:pat_token --location ''

Sample Response

Status code: 200


        "fields": {
            "active": true,
            "boardCategory": 0,
            "boardType": "Kanban",
            "cancelledState": "Cancelled",
            "cardType": [
                    "cardType": "Bug",
                    "colourHexValue": "#dc0a34",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Epic",
                    "colourHexValue": "#3f7cac",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Improvement",
                    "colourHexValue": "#ae3778",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "New Feature",
                    "colourHexValue": "#f66307",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Production Issue",
                    "colourHexValue": "#121212",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Task",
                    "colourHexValue": "#2d60a5",
                    "isDefault": true
                    "cardType": "User Story",
                    "colourHexValue": "#55917f",
                    "isDefault": false
            "columns": [
                    "id": "f02b2f90-7320-4e66-9e3f-4c342c38c901",
                    "title": "Not Started",
                    "state": "Not Started",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "cec38aa4-35c2-4472-8a65-b35d63b8e527",
                    "title": "In Progress",
                    "state": "In Progress",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "7b3d98ba-2491-4853-af32-3f74be0a0efb",
                    "title": "Completed",
                    "state": "Completed",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
            "completedState": "Completed",
            "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "createdBy": null,
            "description": null,
            "epicFieldName": "Theme",
            "isPrivate": false,
            "members": [
                    "id": 600,
                    "guid": "f8526047-c79f-4924-bcd8-c172ef38c5d8",
                    "name": "Natasha Romanoff",
                    "userName": "natasha.romanoff",
                    "email": ""
            "membersOnly": false,
            "modifiedBy": null,
            "modifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "name": "Sample",
            "notStartedState": "Not Started",
            "owners": [
                    "id": 603,
                    "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                    "name": "David Burt",
                    "userName": "david.burt",
                    "email": ""
                    "id": 598,
                    "guid": "1020642e-3e48-49aa-a693-dd8be2b7795c",
                    "name": "Bruce Banner",
                    "userName": "bruce.banner",
                    "email": ""
                    "id": 595,
                    "guid": "b0a1e7e6-2389-4cdc-8d7e-5263eb512e0d",
                    "name": "Adam Jones",
                    "userName": "adam.jones",
                    "email": ""
            "subBoards": [
                    "guid": "b6977faf-bcdd-4a41-8ce1-1e0abe68e55f",
                    "id": 0,
                    "context": {
                        "name": "Sample",
                        "score": 0.0,
                        "type": "Board",
                        "externalReference": "",
                        "email": null,
                        "shortCode": "D",
                        "isPrivate": false,
                        "isConnection": true,
                        "isCatalog": false,
                        "catalogType": null,
                        "avatarUrl": "/Content/images/logos/Board.svg",
                        "emailOptIn": true,
                        "guid": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
                        "id": 630,
                        "referenceId": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
                        "active": true
                    "targetGuid": "b6977faf-bcdd-4a41-8ce1-1e0abe68e55f",
                    "title": "Sample",
                    "startDate": "2022-12-19T09:54:45.0000000",
                    "status": "In Progress",
                    "modified": 0.0,
                    "modifiedBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "created": "2022-12-19T09:54:45.0000000",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "comments": 0,
                    "taskCount": 19,
                    "boardType": null,
                    "boardCategory": 0,
                    "velocity": 0.0,
                    "isClosed": false
            "taskCount": null,
            "viewers": [
                    "id": 582,
                    "guid": "2b4609b6-299c-41b4-bd5d-1ec991e31247",
                    "name": "Mike Johnson",
                    "userName": "mike.johnson",
                    "email": ""
        "id": 630,
        "guid": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
        "url": ""
        "fields": {
            "active": false,
            "boardCategory": 0,
            "boardType": "Kanban",
            "cancelledState": "Cancelled",
            "cardType": [
                    "cardType": "Bug",
                    "colourHexValue": "#dc0a34",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Improvement",
                    "colourHexValue": "#ae3778",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "New Feature",
                    "colourHexValue": "#f66307",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Production Issue",
                    "colourHexValue": "#121212",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Task",
                    "colourHexValue": "#2d60a5",
                    "isDefault": true
                    "cardType": "User Story",
                    "colourHexValue": "#55917f",
                    "isDefault": false
            "columns": [
                    "id": "af1a955e-96cd-429e-a092-05f9d32509bb",
                    "title": "Not Started",
                    "state": "Not Started",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "4435c917-de92-4df0-8d71-8381ace82c3a",
                    "title": "In Progress",
                    "state": "In Progress",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "9c285d16-7fc2-41fa-ab76-060d3fd4bcb7",
                    "title": "Completed",
                    "state": "Completed",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
            "completedState": "Completed",
            "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "createdBy": null,
            "description": null,
            "epicFieldName": "Theme",
            "isPrivate": false,
            "membersOnly": false,
            "modifiedBy": null,
            "modifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "name": "Sample 2",
            "notStartedState": "Not Started",
            "owners": [
                    "id": 603,
                    "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                    "name": "David Burt",
                    "userName": "david.burt",
                    "email": ""
            "subBoards": [
                    "guid": "3078fa15-fca7-40dd-9e6c-34a0b6e40cf3",
                    "id": 0,
                    "context": {
                        "name": "Sample 2",
                        "score": 0.0,
                        "type": "Board",
                        "externalReference": "",
                        "email": null,
                        "shortCode": "DT",
                        "isPrivate": false,
                        "isConnection": true,
                        "isCatalog": false,
                        "catalogType": null,
                        "avatarUrl": "/Content/images/logos/Board.svg",
                        "emailOptIn": true,
                        "guid": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
                        "id": 710,
                        "referenceId": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
                        "active": false
                    "targetGuid": "3078fa15-fca7-40dd-9e6c-34a0b6e40cf3",
                    "title": "Sample 2",
                    "startDate": "2024-06-10T16:53:54.0000000",
                    "status": "Not Started",
                    "modified": 0.0,
                    "modifiedBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "created": "2024-06-10T16:53:54.0000000",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "comments": 0,
                    "taskCount": 0,
                    "boardType": null,
                    "boardCategory": 0,
                    "velocity": 0.0,
                    "isClosed": false
            "taskCount": null
        "id": 710,
        "guid": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
        "url": ""

Get Sample Request with Expand option


curl --user username:pat_token --location ''

Sample Response

Status code: 200


        "fields": {
            "active": true,
            "boardCategory": 0,
            "boardType": "Kanban",
            "cancelledState": "Cancelled",
            "cardType": [
                    "cardType": "Bug",
                    "colourHexValue": "#dc0a34",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Epic",
                    "colourHexValue": "#3f7cac",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Improvement",
                    "colourHexValue": "#ae3778",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "New Feature",
                    "colourHexValue": "#f66307",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Production Issue",
                    "colourHexValue": "#121212",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Task",
                    "colourHexValue": "#2d60a5",
                    "isDefault": true
                    "cardType": "User Story",
                    "colourHexValue": "#55917f",
                    "isDefault": false
            "columns": [
                    "id": "f02b2f90-7320-4e66-9e3f-4c342c38c901",
                    "title": "Not Started",
                    "state": "Not Started",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "cec38aa4-35c2-4472-8a65-b35d63b8e527",
                    "title": "In Progress",
                    "state": "In Progress",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "7b3d98ba-2491-4853-af32-3f74be0a0efb",
                    "title": "Completed",
                    "state": "Completed",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
            "completedState": "Completed",
            "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "createdBy": null,
            "description": null,
            "epicFieldName": "Theme",
            "isPrivate": false,
            "mailToAddress": "",
            "members": [
                    "id": 600,
                    "guid": "f8526047-c79f-4924-bcd8-c172ef38c5d8",
                    "name": "Natasha Romanoff",
                    "userName": "natasha.romanoff",
                    "email": ""
            "membersOnly": false,
            "modifiedBy": null,
            "modifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "name": "Sample",
            "notStartedState": "Not Started",
            "openSprints": 0,
            "owners": [
                    "id": 603,
                    "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                    "name": "David Burt",
                    "userName": "david.burt",
                    "email": ""
                    "id": 598,
                    "guid": "1020642e-3e48-49aa-a693-dd8be2b7795c",
                    "name": "Bruce Banner",
                    "userName": "bruce.banner",
                    "email": ""
                    "id": 595,
                    "guid": "b0a1e7e6-2389-4cdc-8d7e-5263eb512e0d",
                    "name": "Adam Jones",
                    "userName": "adam.jones",
                    "email": ""
            "subBoards": [
                    "guid": "b6977faf-bcdd-4a41-8ce1-1e0abe68e55f",
                    "id": 0,
                    "context": {
                        "name": "Sample",
                        "score": 0.0,
                        "type": "Board",
                        "externalReference": "",
                        "email": null,
                        "shortCode": "D",
                        "isPrivate": false,
                        "isConnection": true,
                        "isCatalog": false,
                        "catalogType": null,
                        "avatarUrl": "/Content/images/logos/Board.svg",
                        "emailOptIn": true,
                        "guid": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
                        "id": 630,
                        "referenceId": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
                        "active": true
                    "targetGuid": "b6977faf-bcdd-4a41-8ce1-1e0abe68e55f",
                    "title": "Sample",
                    "startDate": "2022-12-19T09:54:45.0000000",
                    "status": "In Progress",
                    "modified": 0.0,
                    "modifiedBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "created": "2022-12-19T09:54:45.0000000",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "comments": 0,
                    "taskCount": 19,
                    "boardType": null,
                    "boardCategory": 0,
                    "velocity": 0.00,
                    "isClosed": false
            "taskCount": null,
            "viewers": [
                    "id": 582,
                    "guid": "2b4609b6-299c-41b4-bd5d-1ec991e31247",
                    "name": "Mike Johnson",
                    "userName": "mike.johnson",
                    "email": ""
        "id": 630,
        "methods": [
                "type": "Update",
                "httpMethod": "PUT",
                "url": ""
                "type": "Delete",
                "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                "url": ""
        "chats": [
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Created and set to Not Started by @DavidBurt",
                "topicId": 22751,
                "display": "Created and set to Not Started by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@DavidBurt</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-11T14:09:45.0000000"
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Successfully Updated Azure DevOps action item- 8153 by @System",
                "topicId": 22678,
                "display": "Successfully Updated Azure DevOps action item- <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">8153</a> by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@System</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-07T16:13:02.0000000"
        "guid": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
        "url": ""
        "fields": {
            "active": false,
            "boardCategory": 0,
            "boardType": "Kanban",
            "cancelledState": "Cancelled",
            "cardType": [
                    "cardType": "Bug",
                    "colourHexValue": "#dc0a34",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Improvement",
                    "colourHexValue": "#ae3778",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "New Feature",
                    "colourHexValue": "#f66307",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Production Issue",
                    "colourHexValue": "#121212",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Task",
                    "colourHexValue": "#2d60a5",
                    "isDefault": true
                    "cardType": "User Story",
                    "colourHexValue": "#55917f",
                    "isDefault": false
            "columns": [
                    "id": "af1a955e-96cd-429e-a092-05f9d32509bb",
                    "title": "Not Started",
                    "state": "Not Started",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "4435c917-de92-4df0-8d71-8381ace82c3a",
                    "title": "In Progress",
                    "state": "In Progress",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
                    "id": "9c285d16-7fc2-41fa-ab76-060d3fd4bcb7",
                    "title": "Completed",
                    "state": "Completed",
                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
                    "defaultProjectStatus": ""
            "completedState": "Completed",
            "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "createdBy": null,
            "description": null,
            "epicFieldName": "Theme",
            "isPrivate": false,
            "mailToAddress": "",
            "membersOnly": false,
            "modifiedBy": null,
            "modifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "name": "Sample 2",
            "notStartedState": "Not Started",
            "openSprints": 0,
            "owners": [
                    "id": 603,
                    "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                    "name": "David Burt",
                    "userName": "david.burt",
                    "email": ""
            "subBoards": [
                    "guid": "3078fa15-fca7-40dd-9e6c-34a0b6e40cf3",
                    "id": 0,
                    "context": {
                        "name": "Sample 2",
                        "score": 0.0,
                        "type": "Board",
                        "externalReference": "",
                        "email": null,
                        "shortCode": "DT",
                        "isPrivate": false,
                        "isConnection": true,
                        "isCatalog": false,
                        "catalogType": null,
                        "avatarUrl": "/Content/images/logos/Board.svg",
                        "emailOptIn": true,
                        "guid": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
                        "id": 710,
                        "referenceId": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
                        "active": false
                    "targetGuid": "3078fa15-fca7-40dd-9e6c-34a0b6e40cf3",
                    "title": "Sample 2",
                    "startDate": "2024-06-10T16:53:54.0000000",
                    "status": "Not Started",
                    "modified": 0.0,
                    "modifiedBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "created": "2024-06-10T16:53:54.0000000",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "comments": 0,
                    "taskCount": 0,
                    "boardType": null,
                    "boardCategory": 0,
                    "velocity": 0.00,
                    "isClosed": false
            "taskCount": null
        "id": 710,
        "methods": [
                "type": "Update",
                "httpMethod": "PUT",
                "url": ""
                "type": "Delete",
                "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                "url": ""
        "chats": [
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Status changed from In Progress to Not Started by @DavidBurt",
                "topicId": 22733,
                "display": "Status changed from In Progress to Not Started by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@DavidBurt</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-10T16:59:20.0000000"
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Status changed from Not Started to In Progress by @DavidBurt",
                "topicId": 22732,
                "display": "Status changed from Not Started to In Progress by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@DavidBurt</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-10T16:59:16.0000000"
        "guid": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
        "url": ""

POST Sample Request with Find Object and Expand option

The POST payload post object includes additional find parameters that can be used to further refine the result response.

  • query         - The value to find.
  • filters         - List of field and value that you want to match and only include as part of the result.
  • orderBy     - List of fields and sort order you want to order the results by. (ASC - Ascending, DESC - Descending)


curl --user username:pat_token --location ''
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "query": "sample",
    "filters": [
            "field": "fields.owners.username",
            "value": "david.burt"
    "orderBy": [
            "field": "Fields.Name",
            "sortOrder": "Asc"

Sample Response

Status code: 200


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                    "id": 598,
                    "guid": "1020642e-3e48-49aa-a693-dd8be2b7795c",
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                    "guid": "b0a1e7e6-2389-4cdc-8d7e-5263eb512e0d",
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                    "targetGuid": "b6977faf-bcdd-4a41-8ce1-1e0abe68e55f",
                    "title": "Sample",
                    "startDate": "2022-12-19T09:54:45.0000000",
                    "status": "In Progress",
                    "modified": 0.0,
                    "modifiedBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
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                    "taskCount": 19,
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                    "velocity": 0.00,
                    "isClosed": false
            "taskCount": null,
            "viewers": [
                    "id": 582,
                    "guid": "2b4609b6-299c-41b4-bd5d-1ec991e31247",
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                    "email": ""
        "id": 630,
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                "url": ""
        "chats": [
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Created and set to Not Started by @DavidBurt",
                "topicId": 22751,
                "display": "Created and set to Not Started by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@DavidBurt</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-11T14:09:45.0000000"
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Successfully Updated Azure DevOps action item- 8153 by @System",
                "topicId": 22678,
                "display": "Successfully Updated Azure DevOps action item- <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">8153</a> by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@System</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-07T16:13:02.0000000"
        "guid": "a4f06c8d-9e45-4737-a12d-787bf4c12cee",
        "url": ""
        "fields": {
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                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Improvement",
                    "colourHexValue": "#ae3778",
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                    "cardType": "New Feature",
                    "colourHexValue": "#f66307",
                    "isDefault": false
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                    "colourHexValue": "#121212",
                    "isDefault": false
                    "cardType": "Task",
                    "colourHexValue": "#2d60a5",
                    "isDefault": true
                    "cardType": "User Story",
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                    "rating": 0.0,
                    "colOwners": [],
                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
                    "createProject": false,
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                    "slaDays": 0,
                    "complete": false,
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                    "colTeam": [],
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                    "colTeam": [],
                    "order": 0,
                    "actions": [],
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            "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
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            "epicFieldName": "Theme",
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            "mailToAddress": "",
            "membersOnly": false,
            "modifiedBy": null,
            "modifiedDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000",
            "name": "Sample 2",
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                    "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
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                    "email": ""
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                    "id": 0,
                    "context": {
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                    "targetGuid": "3078fa15-fca7-40dd-9e6c-34a0b6e40cf3",
                    "title": "Sample 2",
                    "startDate": "2024-06-10T16:53:54.0000000",
                    "status": "Not Started",
                    "modified": 0.0,
                    "modifiedBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
                        "userName": "david.burt",
                        "email": ""
                    "created": "2024-06-10T16:53:54.0000000",
                    "createdBy": {
                        "id": 603,
                        "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                        "name": "David Burt",
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                        "email": ""
                    "comments": 0,
                    "taskCount": 0,
                    "boardType": null,
                    "boardCategory": 0,
                    "velocity": 0.00,
                    "isClosed": false
            "taskCount": null
        "id": 710,
        "methods": [
                "type": "Update",
                "httpMethod": "PUT",
                "url": ""
                "type": "Delete",
                "httpMethod": "DELETE",
                "url": ""
        "chats": [
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Status changed from In Progress to Not Started by @DavidBurt",
                "topicId": 22733,
                "display": "Status changed from In Progress to Not Started by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@DavidBurt</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-10T16:59:20.0000000"
                "id": 0,
                "content": "Status changed from Not Started to In Progress by @DavidBurt",
                "topicId": 22732,
                "display": "Status changed from Not Started to In Progress by <span class=\"atwho-inserted\"><span class=\"mention\"><span class=\"mention-thumb\"><img src=\"\" class=\"mention-avatar\"></span><span class=\"mention-text\">@DavidBurt</span></span></span>",
                "initiator": {
                    "id": 0,
                    "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
                    "name": "Dot",
                    "userName": null,
                    "email": "609dd11b-b587-4265-bf50-cee92a86fd42"
                "timestamp": "2024-06-10T16:59:16.0000000"
        "guid": "abbac935-f5ec-4dbb-b6dc-2e93c0680100",
        "url": ""


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular Board, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular Board, can be interchangeable with id, see above
urlThe REST GET Url for this Board 
fieldsMap of field and values for the Board 
nameName of the Board
descriptionDescription for this Board
modifiedByThe user who last modified this Board
isPrivateBoard is private
members[]Describes a list of users that are members of this board and can contribute to the board
owners[]Describes a list of users this Board is owned by, owners can update Board configuration
viewers[]Describes a list of users that have view only access to the Board, these users can not contribute to the board.
cardType[]List of supported task/card types that can be created on this Board
columns[]List of the column for the Board
subBoards[]If this is a Board workspace, list of sub boards associated with this workspace, sub boards share the same configuration for the board workspace, such as columns and cardTypes etc


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with id, see above
nameThe long name of this User
usernameThe username associated with this User
emailUnique email associated with this User


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with id, see above
nameThe long name of this User
usernameThe username associated with this User
emailUnique email associated with this User


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with id, see above
nameThe long name of this User
usernameThe username associated with this User
emailUnique email associated with this User


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular User, can be interchangeable with id, see above
nameThe long name of this User
usernameThe username associated with this User
emailUnique email associated with this User


cardTypeName of the task/card type that can be created on this Board
colourHexValueColour associated with this task/card as displayed on the Board and task/card creation dialog
isDefaultDefault task/card selected whn creating, as displayed in the create dialog


idThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular column
titleThe title of this column
statestate/status of this column, any card in this column will have this state/status applied
completeIs this column a completed state/status column
ratinginteger rating value to apply on this column
orderleft to right positition ordering of this column


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular Board, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular Board, can be interchangeable with id, see above
statusThe username associated with this User
modifiedByUnique email associated with this User

Further Reading

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