Project Template Glossary

Modified on Fri, 2 Aug, 2024 at 12:14 PM

This article is a glossary of all the strings and binding elements needed for project template creation. For all the rules and examples of how to create project templates please refer to this article.


Special Commands

These binding elements can be used to apply special commands when creating templates.

Rag Status Color[BK_COLOR]
Apply Filters with Conditions[^Type=PropertyName&&PropertyName=Condition]

For more than one condition seperate each condition with &&
Multiple Properties with no conditions[^Type=PropertyName,PropertyName2,PropertyName3]
Word Templates Only - Rich Text [RICH]
Gantt Schedule ImageIMAGE_SCHEDULE
Project Information in a single row, and all projects in one table[REPEAT_ROW]
Slides to only include subproject information PPT ONLY
The word GROUP is if you want to group the slides according to the project hierarchy

Slides to include parent and subproject information PPT ONLY


Project Details

Project details binding element is {Project.Property Name

PropertyBinding Element
Project Title{Project.Name}
Project External Reference{Project.ExternalReference}
Project ID{Project.Id}
Project Short Code{Project.ShortCode}
Project Type{Project.Type}
Project Status{Project.Status}
Project Category{Project.Category}
Project Funding Source{Project.FundingSource}
Project Methodology{Project.Methodology}
Project Start Date{Project.StartDate}
Project End Date{Project.EndDate}
Project Implementation Date{Project.ImplementationDate}
Primary PMs{Project.PrimaryPMs.Name}
Project Owners{Project.Owners.Name}
Project Business Owners{Project.BusinessOwners.Name}
Project Executives{Project.Executives.Name}
Project Portfolio{Project.Portfolio.parentName}
Project Sub Portfolio{Project.SubPortfolio}
Project Funding Source{Project.FundingSource}
Project Cost Centre{Project.CostCentre}
Project Tier{Project.Tier}
Project Custom Properties{Project.ExtProperties.CustomPropertyName}
Parent Project{Project.ParentProject.Name}
Program the project belongs to{Project.Program.Name}
Project Description(*){Project.DescriptionPlain}
Project Proposed Solution(*){Project.ProposedSolutionPlain}
Project Requirements(*){Project.RequirementsPlain}
Project Percentage Complete{Project.ProjectInfo.PercentageComplete}

Sub Project 

This is used when you want to include linked subprojects information on your parents project report. If you are pulling an individual project report for a subproject the normal project details syntax applies.

If you want to pull all subprojects information into a table list you, you must use the binding element {@subproject} in the first column and first row of your table.

Binding Element
Project name{ProjectName} or {Principal.Name}
Project Reference{ExternalReference} or {Principal.ExternalReference}
Project Status{Status}
Project Percentage Complete

Description Plain text{DescriptionPlain}
Proposed Solution Plain text{ProposedSolutionPlain}
Requirements Plain text{RequirementsPlain}
Business Driver{BusinessDriver}
Start Date{StartDate}
End Date{EndDate}
Parent Project Name{Parent.Name}
Program the project belongs to{Program.Name}
Current Status Report Date{ShowRAG.ReportDate}
Current Status Report RAG{ShowRAG.RAGStatus}
Current Status Report Strapline{ShowRAG.Strapline}
Previous Status Report Date
Previous Status Report RAG
Previous Status Report Strapline
Status Report Executive Summary{ShowRAG.ExecutiveSummaryPlain}
Status Report Achievements plain text{ShowRAG.AchievementsPlain}
Status Report Next Steps plain text{ShowRAG.NextStepsPlain}
Status Report Custom Properties{ShowRAG.ExtProps.CustomPropertyName}
Status Report's Component RAGs commentaries (aggregates the commentaries of component RAGs that have been set to Amber or Red){ShowRAG.PathToGreenForNonGreenRAGs}
Primary PMs{ProjectManager.Name}
Project Executives{Executive.Name}
Project Owners{Owner.Name}
Project Business Owner{BusinessOwner.Name}
Project Custom Properties{ExtProperties.CustomPropertyName}

You can use the special commands binding element to extract specified subprojects or you can group your subprojects into different tables by using this binding element in the first cell of your table:


For e.g. if I wanted to return all subprojects that have a red overall rag status, I would use the following syntax in my first cell of the table:


Project Status Report

The Status Report details binding element is {StatusReportThis.Property Name}. If you need to include the previous status report information you must use the binding element {StatusReportLast.Property Name}.

PropertyBinding Element
Status Report Date{StatusReportThis.ReportDate}
Status Report Current RAG{StatusReportThis.RAGStatus}
Status Report Strapline{StatusReportThis.Strapline}
Status Report Executive Summary{StatusReportThis.ExecutiveSummaryPlain}
Status Report Achievements(*){StatusReportThis.AchievementsPlain}
Status Report Next Steps(*){StatusReportThis.NextStepsPlain}
Status Report Custom Properties{StatusReportThis.ExtProps.CustomPropertyName}
Status Report's Component RAGs commentaries (aggregates the commentaries of component RAGs that have been set to Amber or Red){StatusReportThis.PathToGreenForNonGreenRAGs}

Component RAGS

To pull the component RAG information from your status report details listed in a table form, you must use this binding element {@StatusReportThis.ComponentRags} in the first cell and column of the table. 

If you need to pull a specific component rag use the binding element {StatusReportThis.ComponentRags.ComponentRagName.Property Name}.

PropertyBinding Element
Component RAG Name{Key}
Component RAG Status{Value}
Component RAG Strapline{Commentary}
Component RAG Path To Green Date{GreenDate}
Component RAG Owner{Name}
Component RAG Linked Risk/Issue Title{CraidName}
Component RAG Linked Risk/Issue Mitigation{Mitigation}

Actions and Decisions

To obtain action and decision information you must use the binding element {@actions} in the first cell of the first column of your table

If you want your actions and decisions grouped by actions only and decisions only, you need to have two seperate tables using the special command [^Type=Decison] after the binding element in the first cell and column of the table.

If you want to return the assignee information with the action, you need to include special command [SubRow] after the binding elements in the first cell and column of the table, and use the special command {SpiltRow=number of columns} infront of the first actionee binding element. The number of columns refers to how many actionee column information you are returning.

PropertyBinding Element
Action / Decision Title{Title}
Action / Decision Id{Id}
Action / Decision ShortCode{ShortCode}
Action / Decision Type  {Type}
Action / Decision Description(*){DescriptionPlain}
Action / Decision Due Date{DueDate}
Action / Decision Priority{Priority}
Action / Decision current status RAG{ItemLatestStatus.Rag}
Action / Decision current status strapline{ItemLatestStatus.Strapline}
Action / Decision current status date{ItemLatestStatus.StatusDate}
Action  document links{AttachedDocumentDetails}
For action and decision with a single assignee
Action / Decision Assignee{AssignedTo.Name}
Action / Decision Status{Status}
Action / Decision Response(*){ResponseCommentPlain}
For action and decision with multiple assignees
Action / Decision Assignee{Children.AssignedTo}
Action / Decision Status{Children.Status}
Action / Decision Response(*){Children.ResponseCommentPlain}

Schedule Task

To obtain the schedule information into your report you need to use the binding element (@Schedule} in the first cell and column of the table. Remember to use the special command if you only want to pull through certain information and not the whole schedule.

PropertyBinding Element
Schedule Task Title{Title}
Schedule Task Short Code{ShortCode}
Schedule Task Type{TaskType}
Schedule Task Description(1){DescriptionPlain}
Schedule Task Start Date{StartDate}
Schedule Task End Date{DueDate}
Schedule Task Effort
Schedule Task Alternate Date{AlternateDate}
Schedule Task Baseline Start Date{BaselineStartDate}
Schedule Task Baseline End Date{BaselineDueDate
Schedule Task Priority{Priority}
Schedule Task Status{Status}
Schedule Task Percent Complete{PercentComplete}
Schedule Task Current Status RAG{Rag}
Schedule Task Current Status Strapline{Strapline}
Schedule Task Current Status Date{StatusDate}
Schedule Task Previous Status RAG{PreviousRag.RagStatus}
Schedule Task Previous Status Strapline{PreviousRag.Strapline}
Schedule Task Previous Status Date
Schedule Task Status Updates (all)(2){AllStatusUpdates}
Schedule Task Assignees{Owner.Name}
Schedule task Custom Properties{ExtProps.CustomPropertyName}
Schedule Task Document Links{AttachedDocumentDetails}
Project the schedule task belongs to{Activity.Name}


This is the phase that is derived from project methodology selected, and you must use the binding element {@ActivityPhases} in the first cell and column of your table.

Binding Element
Name of Phase{Phase}
Phase Start Month{StartMonth}
Phase End Month{EndMonth}
Phase Order Number{Order}


All impacts except dependencies use the following binding elements, using {@Craid} in the first cell and column of your table. Use the special commands if you want to split your impacts into different tables.

PropertyBinding Element
Impact Title{Title}
Impact Short Code{ShortCode}
Impact Type{Type}
Impact Sub Type{SubType}
Impact Description(1){DescriptionPlain}
Impact Due Date{DueDate}
Impact Resolution Date{ResolutionDate}
Impact Severity{Impact}
Impact Probability{Probability}
Impact Status{Status}
Impact Mitigation(1){MitigationPlain}
Impact current status RAG{Rag}
Impact current status strapline{Strapline}
Impact current status date{StatusDate}
Impact previous status RAG{PreviousRag.Rag}
Impact previous status strapline{PreviousRag.Strapline}
Impact status updates (all)(2){AllStatusUpdates}
Impact owner{Owner.Name}
Impact custom properties{ExtProps.CustomPropertyName}
Impact document links{AttachedDocumentDetails}
Project the Impact belongs to{Activity.Name}


If you want your report to include dependencies, you need to create a table for incoming and a table for outgoing dependency reporting using the binding elements {@IncomingDep} or {@OutgoingDep} in the first cell and column of the table.

PropertyBinding Element
Dependency Title{Title}
Dependency Short Code{ShortCode}
Dependency Description(1){DescriptionPlain}
Dependency Due Date{DueDate}
Dependency Impact{Impact}
Dependency Status{Status}
Dependency current status RAG{Rag}
Dependency current status strapline{Strapline}
Dependency current status date{StatusDate}
Dependency status updates (all)(2){AllStatusUpdates}
Dependency owner{Owner.Name}
Dependency custom properties{ExtProps.CustomPropertyName}
For Outgoing Dependencies
Project the Dependency belongs to{Activity.Name}
Project the Dependency is on{DependencyOn}
For Incoming Dependencies
Project the Dependency is from{Activity.Name}

Project Financials By Expense Type

You can pull a detailed breakdown of financial expense type per project. The report can give you each month's baseline, forecasted and actual amount. M1 =The first month of your fiscal year. The binding element {@ProjectFinancialsByExpenseType} must be used in the first cell and column of the table. 

Binding Element
Expense Category{ExpenseCategory}
Expense Type{ExpenseType}
Remaining Forecast{RemainingForecastValue}
Full Year Forecast{FullYearForecastValue}
Baseline Variance{BaselineVarianceValue}
Current Month Baseline{CurrentMonthBaselineValue}
Current Month Forecast{CurrentMonthForecastValue}
Current Month Actual{CurrentMonthActualValue}
Current Month Variance{CurrentMonthVarianceValue}
Baseline for Month 1{BaselineM1}
Baseline For Month 2{BaselineM2}
Baseline for Month 3{BaselineM3}
Baseline for Month 4{BaselineM4}
Baseline for Month 5{BaselineM5}
Baseline for Month 6{BaselineM6}
Baseline for Month 7{BaselineM7}
Baseline for Month 8{BaselineM8}
Baseline for Month 9{BaselineM9}
Baseline for Month 10{BaselineM10}
Baseline for Month 11{BaselineM11}
Baseline for Month 12{BaselineM12}
Forecast for Month 1{ForecastM1Value}
Forecast for Month 2{ForecastM2Value}
Forecast for Month 3{ForecastM3Value}
Forecast for Month 4{ForecastM4Value}
Forecast for Month 5{ForecastM5Value}
Forecast for Month 6{ForecastM6Value}
Forecast for Month 7{ForecastM7Value}
Forecast for Month 8{ForecastM8Value}
Forecast for Month 9{ForecastM9Value}
Forecast for Month 10{ForecastM10Value}
Forecast for Month 11{ForecastM11Value}
Forecast for Month 12{ForecastM12Value}
Actuals for Month 1{ActualsM1Vaule}
Actuals for Month 2{ActualsM2Value}
Actuals for Month 3{ActualsM3Value}
Actuals for Month 4{ActualsM4Value}
Actuals for Month 5{ActualsM5Value}
Actuals for Month 6{ActualsM6Value}
Actuals for Month 7{ActualM7Value}
Actuals for Month 8{ActualsM8Value}
Actuals for Month 9{ActualsM9Value}
Actuals for Month 10{ActualsM10Value}
Actuals for Month 11{ActualsM11Value}
Actuals for Month 12{ActualsM12Value}

Project Financials

This is your overall rolled up high level project financial reporting, the binding element used for project financials is {ProjectFinancials.PropertyName}

PropertyDescriptionInput vs SystemBinding element

Current Financial YearThe current financial year.Input{ProjectFinancials.CurrentFinancialYearValue}

Current Financial Year StartThe start date of the current financial year.Input{ProjectFinancials.CurrentFinancialYearStartValue}

Current Financial Year EndThe end date of the current financial year.Input{ProjectFinancials.CurrentFinancialYearEndValue}
AProject FundingThe overall budget for the project duration. Input{ProjectFinancials.FundingAmountReleasedValue}
BProject Funding (Capex)Capital Expenditure on the overall budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.FundingAmountReleasedCapexValue}
CProject Funding (Opex)Operating Expenses on the overall budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.FundingAmountReleasedOpexValue}
DLife to Date Project FundingBudget released for the project since the project inception up to the end of the current financial year.Input{ProjectFinancials.LifeToDateFundingAmountValue}
ELife to Date Project Funding (Capex)Capital Expenditure on the life to date budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.LifeToDateFundingAmountCapexValue}
FLife to Date Project Funding (Opex)Operating Expenses on the life to date budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.LifeToDateFundingAmountOpexValue}
GCurrent Year Project FundingCurrent financial year budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.CYFundingAmountValue}
HCurrent Year Project Funding (Capex)Capital Expenditure on the current financial year budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.CYFundingAmountCapexValue}
ICurrent Year Project Funding (Opex)Operating Expenses on the current financial year budget.Input{ProjectFinancials.CYFundingAmountOpexValue}
JLife to Date ActualsSum of the project actuals since the project inception up to the lock date in the current financial year.System{ProjectFinancials.LifeToDateActualsValue}
KLife to Date Actuals (Capex)Capital Expenditure on life to date actuals.System{ProjectFinancials.LifeToDateCapexActualsValue}
LLife to Date Actuals (Opex)Operating Expenses on life to date actuals.System{ProjectFinancials.LifeToDateOpexActualsValue}
MPrior Year ActualsSum of actuals since the project inception up to the start of the current financial year.System{ProjectFinancials.PriorYearActualsValue}
NFuture Years ForecastForecast amount from the end of the current financial year up to the end of the project.System{ProjectFinancials.FutureYearsForecastValue}
OEstimated Project Cost at completionLife to Date Actuals (J) + Current Year Forecast (Y) + Future Years Forecast (N).System{ProjectFinancials.TotalProjectEACValue}
PRemaining budgetProject Funding (A) - Life to Date Actuals (J).System{ProjectFinancials.FullFundingVFullActualsValue}
QRemaining budget (Capex)Project Funding (Capex) (B) - Life to Date Actuals (Capex) (K).System{ProjectFinancials.FullFundingVFullCapexActualsValue}
RRemaining Budget (Opex)Project Funding (Opex) (C) - Life to Date Actuals (Opex) (L).System{ProjectFinancials.FullFundingVFullOpexActualsValue}
SPercentage of budget spentLife to Date Actuals (J) / Life to Date Project Funding (D)System{ProjectFinancials.FundingSpentPercentValue}
TPercentage of budget spent (Capex)Life to Date Actuals (Capex) (K) / Life to Date Project Funding (Capex) (E)System{ProjectFinancials.FundingSpentPercentCapexValue}
UPercentage of budget spent (Opex)Life to Date Actuals (Opex) (L) / Life to Date Project Funding (Opex) (F)System{ProjectFinancials.FundingSpentPercentOpexValue}
VCurrent Year Approved ForecastThe amount formally approved to be spent on the project in the current financial year.Input{ProjectFinancials.CYApprovedForecastValue}
WCurrent Year ActualsActuals for the current financial year up to the lock date.System{ProjectFinancials.YTDCashActualValue}
XCurrent Year Actuals (Capex)Capital Expenditure on current year actuals.System{ProjectFinancials.YTDCapActualValue}
YCurrent Year Actuals (Opex)Operating Expenses on current year actuals.System{ProjectFinancials.YTDOpexActualValue}
ZCurrent Year ForecastSum of project forecast for all open months in current financial year.System{ProjectFinancials.ROYCashForecastValue}
AACurrent Year Forecast (Capex)Capital Expenditure on current year forecast.System{ProjectFinancials.ROYCapForecastValue}
ABFull Year ForecastCurrent Year Actuals (W) + Current Year Forecast (Z).System{ProjectFinancials.CYCashEACValue}
ACFull Year Forecast (Capex)Current Year Actuals (Capex) (X) + Current Year Forecast (Capex) (AA).System{ProjectFinancials.CYCapEACValue}
ADCurrent Year Capex PercentageThe percentage of capex amount.System{ProjectFinancials.TotalCapPercentFYValue}
AECurrent Year Amort ActualsAmortisation amount based on current year actuals (W).System{ProjectFinancials.YTDAmortActualValue}
AFCurrent Year Remaining Amort ForecastAmortisation amount based on current year actuals (Z).System{ProjectFinancials.ROYAmortForecastValue}
AGFull Year Amort ForecastCurrent Year Amort Actuals (AE) + Current Year Amort Forecast (AF).System{ProjectFinancials.CYAmortEACValue}
AHCurrent Year Project ExpenseCurrent Year Actuals (W) - Current Year Actuals (Capex)(X).System{ProjectFinancials.YTDProjectExpActualValue}
AICurrent Year Remaining Net Cost ForecastCurrent Year Forecast (Z) - Current Year Forecast (Capex) (AA).System{ProjectFinancials.ROYProjectExpForecastValue}
AJCurrent Year Net Cost Expected at CompletionFull Year Forecast (AB) less Full Year Forecast (Capex) (AC).System{ProjectFinancials.CYProjectExpEACValue}
AKCurrent Year P&L ActualsCurrent Year Actuals (W) - Current Year Actuals (Capex)(X) + Current Year Amort Actuals (AE).System{ProjectFinancials.YTDPandLActualValue}
ALCurrent Year P&L ForecastCurrent Year Forecast (Z) - Current Year Forecast (Capex)(AA) +  Current Year Remaining Amort Forecast (AF).System{ProjectFinancials.ROYPandLForecastValue}
AMCurrent Year P&L Full Year ForecastFull Year Forecast (AB) - Full Year Forecast (Capex)(AC) + Full Year Amort Forecast (AG).System{ProjectFinancials.CYPandLExpEACValue}

Default currencyFinancials default currencyInput{ProjectFinancials.CurrencyCode}


Remember you will need two different tables, one for qualitative and one for quantitative, using the binding elements {@QualitativeBenefit} or {@QuantativeBenefit} in the first cell and column of the table.

PropertyBinding Element
Benefit Title{Title}
Benefit Id{Id}
Benefit Type (quantitative or qualitative){Type}
Benefit Sub Type{SubType}
Benefit Description(*){DescriptionPlain}
Benefit Start Date{StartDate}
Benefit current status RAG{RagStatus}
Benefit current status strapline{Strapline}
Benefit owner{Owner.Name}
Benefit Owner Status{OwnerStatus}
Benefit custom properties{ExtProperties.CustomPropertyName}
For Quantitative Benefits
Quantitative Benefit Year 0{DataYearWise.0.Year}
Quantitative Benefit Year 0 Amount{DataYearWise.0.Value}
Quantitative Benefit Year 1{DataYearWise.1.Year}
Quantitative Benefit Year 1 Amount{DataYearWise.1.Value}
Quantitative Benefit Year 2{DataYearWise.2.Year}
Quantitative Benefit Year 2 Amount{DataYearWise.2.Value}
Quantitative Benefit Year 3{DataYearWise.3.Year}
Quantitative Benefit Year 3 Amount{DataYearWise.3.Value}
Quantitative Benefit Year 4{DataYearWise.4.Year}
Quantitative Benefit Year 4 Amount{DataYearWise.4.Value}
Quantitative Benefit Year 5{DataYearWise.5.Year}
Quantitative Benefit Year 5 Amount{DataYearWise.5.Value}
Quantitative Benefit Total Amount{TotalValue}

Ongoing Costs

Remember to have two tables if you want your report to pull the qualitative and quantitative ongoing costs, using the binding elements {@QualitativeCost} or {@QuantitatveCost} in the first cell and column of the table.

PropertyBinding Element
Ongoing Cost Title{Title}
Ongoing Cost Id{Id}
Ongoing Cost Type (quantitative or qualitative){Type}
Ongoing Cost Sub Type{SubType}
Ongoing Cost Description(*){DescriptionPlain}
Ongoing Cost Start Date{StartDate}
Ongoing Cost current status RAG{RagStatus}
Ongoing Cost current status strapline{Strapline}
Ongoing Cost owner{Owner.Name}
Ongoing Cost Owner Status{OwnerStatus}
Ongoing Cost custom properties{ExtProperties.CustomPropertyName}
For Quantitative Ongoing Costs
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 0{DataYearWise.0.Year}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 0 Amount{DataYearWise.0.Value}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 1{DataYearWise.1.Year}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 1 Amount{DataYearWise.1.Value}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 2{DataYearWise.2.Year}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 2 Amount{DataYearWise.2.Value}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 3{DataYearWise.3.Year}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 3 Amount{DataYearWise.3.Value}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 4{DataYearWise.4.Year}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 4 Amount{DataYearWise.4.Value}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 5{DataYearWise.5.Year}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Year 5 Amount{DataYearWise.5.Value}
Quantitative Ongoing Cost Total Amount{TotalValue}

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