Create Action

Modified on Thu, 13 Jun, 2024 at 3:26 PM

Creates a single Action. Can be a user action, or an action linked to a board or other Fluid entity. 


If creating an Action for a board or other Fluid entity The REST API account user needs to have the correct manage permission for the board or Fluid entity 

If the account does not have manage permissions, a Http Code 403 Forbidden response is returned. 

OpenAPI documentation can be found at where organisation is the name of your organisation.

Create a User Action




curl --user username:patToken --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '	{
    "fields": {
        "title": "Sample Title",
        "description": "Sample Description",
        "status": "Not Started",
        "taskType": "Task"

with optional parameters



curl --user username:patToken --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '	{
    "fields": {
        "title": "Sample Title",
        "description": "Sample Description",
        "status": "Not Started",
        "taskType": "Task"


Status code: 200


    "fields": {
        "assignee": [
                "id": 603,
                "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                "name": "David Burt",
                "userName": "david.burt",
                "email": ""
        "attachmentCount": 0,
        "author": {
            "id": 603,
            "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
            "name": "David Burt",
            "userName": "david.burt",
            "email": ""
        "businessValue": 0,
        "chatCount": 0,
        "createDate": "2024-02-16T14:45:22.0000000",
        "description": "Sample Description",
        "dueDate": null,
        "endDate": null,
        "impediment": 0,
        "isOwner": true,
        "modifiedBy": {
            "id": 603,
            "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
            "name": "David Burt",
            "userName": "david.burt",
            "email": ""
        "modifiedDate": "2024-02-16T14:45:22.0000000",
        "owners": [
                "id": 603,
                "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                "name": "David Burt",
                "userName": "david.burt",
                "email": ""
        "priority": "Medium",
        "principalGuid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
        "ragStatus": "Green",
        "startDate": null,
        "status": "Not Started",
        "statusCode": 4,
        "taskType": "Task",
        "title": "Sample Title"
    "id": 4360,
    "guid": "46522a95-7668-482a-a484-2952174b2430",
    "url": ""

URL Parameters

fieldsqueryfalsestringComma-separated list of requested fields to return in the response
expandqueryfalsestringExpand parameter for Action attributes. Possible options are{"none" "all" "method" "related" "chat" "customAll" "customReportable" "customReadOnly" "subtask" "attachment" "state"}
versionqueryfalsestringVersion of the API to use. if not set, default latest version will be used.


200 OKActionsuccessful operation
400stringBad Request
401stringNot an authorised user, username or token is invalid
403stringForbidden, user is not permissioned to perform the operation in this particular context
422stringInvalid arguments, request, query or body arguments are invalid
429string"Too many Requests" see response headers RateLimit-Limit (current rate limit capacity), RateLimit-Remaining (remaining tokens), RateLimit-Reset (time till next refill)

Response Headers

RateLimit-Limit stringMax rate limit of requests allowed 
RateLimit-Remaining stringRemaining capacity of requests allowed 
RateLimit-Reset stringNext date time for refresh of capacity 

Create an Action on a board workspace

Creates a single Action on a specified board workspace. More information on board workspaces can be found here

To create an Action on a specific board and backlog, an additional principalGuid property is required on the POST payload. The principalGuid is the unique key that directly identifies the board.

You can use the Board REST API to GET the principalGuid for a board. Rest API endpoint for Boards

An alternate method to locate the guid for a board is by navigating to the board in a browser, and looking at the URL. It should read as the value 7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71 is the principal GUID you should pass as part of the payload.

Actions on a board contain a value for the boardGuid property, when making an API call to GET an Action, setting query parameter fields=all. This boardGuid property can used as the principalGuid of the board.




curl --user username:patToken --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '	{
    "fields": {
        "principalGuid": "7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71",
        "title": "Sample Title",
        "description": "Sample Description"
        "status": "Not Started",
        "taskType": "Task"

with optional parameters




curl --user username:patToken --location 'http://localhost:55648/rest/api/action?fields=all&expand=all' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '	{
    "fields": {
        "principalGuid": "7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71",
        "title": "Sample Title",
        "description": "Sample Description"
        "status": "Not Started",
        "taskType": "Task"


Status code: 200


    "fields": {
        "assignee": [
                "id": 603,
                "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                "name": "David Burt",
                "userName": "david.burt",
                "email": ""
        "attachmentCount": 0,
        "author": {
            "id": 603,
            "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
            "name": "David Burt",
            "userName": "david.burt",
            "email": ""
        "boardCategory": 0,
        "boardId": 0,
        "boardGuid": "7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71",
        "boardTitle": "Bulk edit",
        "businessValue": 0,
        "chatCount": 0,
        "contentType": "Process",
        "createDate": "2024-02-16T19:20:41.0000000",
        "description": "Sample Description - Create Action on a Board",
        "descriptionHtml": "Sample Description - Create Action on a Board",
        "dueDate": null,
        "endDate": null,
        "isClosed": false,
        "isCalculated": false,
        "isOwner": true,
        "modifiedBy": {
            "id": 603,
            "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
            "name": "David Burt",
            "userName": "david.burt",
            "email": ""
        "modifiedDate": "2024-02-16T19:20:41.0000000",
        "principalGuid": "7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71",
        "shortCode": "BE-105",
        "startDate": null,
        "status": "Not Started",
        "statusCode": 1,
        "taskType": "Task",
        "title": "Sample Title - Create Action on a Board",
        "titleRichText": "Sample Title - Create Action on a Board",
        "titleHtml": "Sample Title - Create Action on a Board"
    "id": 4433,
    "methods": [
            "type": "PermaLink",
            "httpMethod": "GET",
            "url": ""
            "type": "Update",
            "httpMethod": "PUT",
            "url": "",
            "description": "Update Action",
            "payload": {
                "fields": {
                    "description": "<Description>",
                    "title": "<Title>"
                "customProperties": []
            "type": "Delete",
            "httpMethod": "DELETE",
            "url": ""
    "guid": "12c2e661-270c-43e1-8d05-1218b5842b6c",
    "url": ""

Create an Action on a board workspace (Sub Board)

Creates a single Action on a Board workspace and in a specific Sub Board. A board workspace can contain multiple Sub Boards. Each Sub Board has its own unique guid that identifies it, this is referred to as the ParentGuid.

Two additional guids are required, the principalGuid guid of the board workspace, and the parentGuid of the Sub Board itself.

You can use the Board REST API to GET the principalGuid for a board. Rest API endpoint for Boards

An alternate method to locate the guid for a board is by navigating to the Sub Board in a browser, and looking at the URL. It should read as 

c07hed88-10h0-4hc4-hec5-h57073b8e036  is the principalGuid

58c0kk41-2ekf-41k9-9kc3-27dke10bkadd  is the parentGuid

If you do not specify a parentGuid the Action will be created in the backlog of the board workspace




curl --user username:patToken --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '	{
    "fields": {
        "principalGuid": "c07hed88-10h0-4hc4-hec5-h57073b8e036",
        "parentGuid": "58c0kk41-2ekf-41k9-9kc3-27dke10bkadd",
        "title": "Sample Title",
        "description": "Sample Description"
        "status": "Not Started",
        "taskType": "Task"

with optional parameters




curl --user username:patToken --location 'http://localhost:55648/rest/api/action?fields=all&expand=all' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '	{
    "fields": {
        "principalGuid": "c07hed88-10h0-4hc4-hec5-h57073b8e036",
        "parentGuid": "58c0kk41-2ekf-41k9-9kc3-27dke10bkadd",
        "title": "Sample Title",
        "description": "Sample Description"
        "status": "Not Started",
        "taskType": "Task"


Status code: 200


    "fields": {
        "assignee": [
                "id": 603,
                "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
                "name": "David Burt",
                "userName": "david.burt",
                "email": ""
        "attachmentCount": 0,
        "author": {
            "id": 603,
            "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
            "name": "David Burt",
            "userName": "david.burt",
            "email": ""
        "boardCategory": 0,
        "boardId": 0,
        "boardGuid": "7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71",
        "boardTitle": "Bulk edit",
        "businessValue": 0,
        "chatCount": 0,
        "contentType": "Process",
        "createDate": "2024-02-16T19:20:41.0000000",
        "description": "Sample Description - Create Action on a Board",
        "descriptionHtml": "Sample Description - Create Action on a Board",
        "dueDate": null,
        "endDate": null,
        "isClosed": false,
        "isCalculated": false,
        "isOwner": true,
        "modifiedBy": {
            "id": 603,
            "guid": "f1cb6467-0262-4539-9148-7b869defd817",
            "name": "David Burt",
            "userName": "david.burt",
            "email": ""
        "modifiedDate": "2024-02-16T19:20:41.0000000",
        "principalGuid": "7505a102-93fc-4465-a23b-2eb6303f7f71",
        "shortCode": "BE-105",
        "startDate": null,
        "status": "Not Started",
        "statusCode": 1,
        "taskType": "Task",
        "title": "Sample Title - Create Action on a Board",
        "titleRichText": "Sample Title - Create Action on a Board",
        "titleHtml": "Sample Title - Create Action on a Board"
    "id": 4433,
    "methods": [
            "type": "PermaLink",
            "httpMethod": "GET",
            "url": ""
            "type": "Update",
            "httpMethod": "PUT",
            "url": "",
            "description": "Update Action",
            "payload": {
                "fields": {
                    "description": "<Description>",
                    "title": "<Title>"
                "customProperties": []
            "type": "Delete",
            "httpMethod": "DELETE",
            "url": ""
    "guid": "12c2e661-270c-43e1-8d05-1218b5842b6c",
    "url": ""


idThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular Action, can be interchangeable with guid, see below
guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular Action, can be interchangeable with id, see above
urlThe REST GET Url for this Action
fieldsMap of field and values for the Action
assignee[]Describes a list of users this action has been assigned to
authorDescribes the user who authored this Action
modifiedByDescribes the user who last modified this Action
owners[]Describes a list of users this action is owned by


Query parameter "expand=all" will expand all the possible response properties listed below that are  associated with this entity. "expand=none" to hide all response properties.


guidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular custom property
dataTypeThe data type of the value for this Custom Property. eg string, datetime etc
isCatalogTypeCustom Property is a Catalog Type and is used as part of taxonomy
isMultipleCan contain multiple values
keyUnique name key that identifies this Custom Property by name
requiredFlag to indicate this Custom Property requires a valid value
reportableFlag to indicate this Custom Property is reportable
readOnlyFlag to indicate value is read only and cannot be changed
valueThe value of this Custom Property


Properties returned for requested expanded value set on query param "expand=method", methods are helper properties to other REST verb API endpoints that can be used directly.

typeThe type of action this method performs
httpMethodHTTP Request Method verb
urlThe REST URL that can be used with the Http Method verb
descriptionDescription of what this method performs
payloadSample payload related to the HTTP Method verb. This payload is typically the minimal payload required to perform the verb method.


Properties returned for requested expanded value set on query param "expand=attachment".  Checklist properties that are defined as part of this entity.

IdThe Id integer, uniquely identifies this particular Attachment
GuidThe guid string, uniquely identifies this particular Attachment
TitleTitle of this Attachment
ModifiedDateTimestamp this Attachment was last modified
TypeType of this Attachment
StatusStatus of this Attachment
FilenameFilename of the attachment
UrlUrl to open/view or download this Attachmemt
ModifiedByUser that last modified this Attachment


Properties returned for requested expanded value set on query param "expand=chat", chat are comments/chat conversations that are associated with this entity

IdUnique id that represents this chat message
ContentText only representation of the content of the chat message
TopicIdThe topic Id/chat room this chat message has been post to
DisplayHtml version of the content that is displayed to the user
InitiatorThe user that posted this chat message
TimestampThe timestamp when this chat message was posted
TitleThe title of the chat room this chat message was posted to

Further Reading

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